Education and Career Development
SIGN UP FOR AFTERSCHOOLThe Education & Career Development Core Program area enables youth to become proficient in basic educational disciplines, apply learning to everyday situations and embrace technology to achieve success in a career.
Power Hour: A homework rewards program
This program is offered Monday through Friday from 3:30–4:30 pm. Members will have a quiet room to complete homework assignments. Adult staff and volunteers will be on hand daily to assist members. Members will have the use of computers and other resource materials to assist them with their assignments. Members will earn points for each assignment completed. The Club then selects one member as our Homework Help “Student of the Month”. This member will receive a framed certificate. The student will also enjoy a pizza party with 3 of their friends as a reward.
Y.E.S. (Youth Exploration in Science)
Come and explore the world of science. This program will be in a small group setting on Thursdays at 4pm. Volunteers and staff will assist members in each experiment. Members will be able to take their creations home with them. This Program is made possible through a grant received from New England Bio-Labs.

To inspire and enable all young people, especially those that need us most to realize their full potential as responsible, productive, and caring citizens.
18 Maple Street
P.O. Box 5906
Salisbury, MA 01952
©2024-2025 - Boys and Girls Club of LMV. Site Credit