The Arts
SIGN UP FOR AFTERSCHOOLOur Club offers a variety of Arts & Crafts and Fine Arts programs for members. The programs take place in separate rooms and members have an opportunity to create original projects and receive instruction on different art techniques. Members can also participate in the Digital Arts through our photography program.
Arts & Crafts
This program is offered Monday thru Friday from 3:30 to 6:00. Each age group has a 45 minute session each day with a one hour session for any age group to finish up the daily projects. Make sure you pack an old t-shirt to paint in so Mom and Dad don’t get upset about your school clothes getting dirty.
Dance Program
Held on Mondays and Thursdays, classes consist of Ballet, Modern Jazz, and Tap, from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. Last year’s Dance Recital, featuring our dance troupe “The Believers”, was a rousing success with over 150 family and friends in attendance to see our members show off their dance moves. Once again, this year’s recital will be held in December, date to be announced.
Music Program
Twice per month members will be able to sign up for woodworking. Members can hone their fine motor skills and learn to work with their hands. Limited space is available for this program.
Twice a week, members can participate in our photography program that encourages them to learn and practice the skills and art of photography. Members will also be able to work on their Digital Arts skills in editing their work on the new iMac computers in the Digital Arts Lab.

To inspire and enable all young people, especially those that need us most to realize their full potential as responsible, productive, and caring citizens.
18 Maple Street
P.O. Box 5906
Salisbury, MA 01952
©2024-2025 - Boys and Girls Club of LMV. Site Credit